Woohoo!!! Let's Get Started!

I sent you an email with all the details about the 3-Day Purposeful Plan Workshop

While you're waiting for it...

Make you follow these steps to prepare for the 3-day challenge.

(1) Check to make sure you received your email & add me to your contacts. If you don't see the email check your promotions tab & spam. (And if you are still having trouble after 5-10 minutes, reach out to blove@revolutionarypresence.com)

(2) Join my "Build Your Mission-Driven Brand" facebook group and keep the notifications turned on. That's where we'll be doing this 3-Day Challenge.

(3) Add the 3-Day Challenge to your calendar:

  • Tuesday, August 24th at 10am EST
  • Wednesday, August 25th at 10am EST
  • Thursday, August 26th at 10am EST

***google calendar can be fickle sometimes. but no worries if you can't add it. i'll send you reminders.